文章出处:如特安防 人气:发表时间:2018-09-05 19:45:53
Published 2018 Jun 27
Author Contributions
N.L., U.M., H.Z., and J.-P.H.v.H. conceived and designed the sensor concept; U.M. developed the opto-mechanical part of the sensor; S.G. and M.W. developed the electronics in particular, for the controlling of the lasers; H.Z. developed hardware and software modules for the data acquisition system and evaluation; N.L., U.M., and J.-P.H.v.H. performed the experiments; N.L. and J.-P.H.v.H. performed the analysis of the data; N.L., J.R., and J.-P.H.v.H wrote the manuscript.
This work was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research Grant VIP, FKZ 03V0122. The authors thank F. Weichbrodt for his dedicated and valuable technical support.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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原著:N.Lang, U.Macherius, H.Zimmermann, S.Glitsch, M.Wiese, J.Röpcke, J.Pierre H. van Helden
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