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乙炔报警器(Acetylene Alarm)由气体检测(探测)器(Gas Detector)和气体报警控制器(Gas Controller)两部门组成,探测器通过核心部件进口高精度气体传感器进行实时泄漏浓度检测,将检测信号实时传送给气体报警控制器,进行显示及浓度超标后的报警提醒。

◆ 测量准确:传感器采用进口气体敏感元件,精度高,零点漂移小,抗中毒性能好。
◆ 防爆设计:可用于工厂条件的1、2区危险场合。
◆ 维修方便:传感器采用数字化模组设计,现场更换时无需校零、标定。
◆ 声光报警:气体探测器可选配专用的防爆声光报警器,实现现场声光报警。
◆ 浓度显示:气体探测器可选配液晶浓度显示,现场实时显示浓度。

检测气体 | 乙炔 | 检测原理 | 催化燃烧式 |
检测范围 | 0-100%LEL | 供电电源 | DC36V±15% |
功率 | <1W | 通讯方式 | M-BUS 两总线 |
信号输出 | 一组无源常开信号 | 连接线缆 | RVS 2×2.5mm2 |
准 确 度 | ±5%FS | 响应时间 | 催化燃烧式 T90<30s |
材 料 | 铸铝 | 防爆链接螺纹 | G3/4″内螺纹 |
防爆标志 | Exd IIC T6 Gb | IP等级 | IP65 |
工作温度 | -40℃~70℃ | 湿度范围 | 10%RH~95%RH |
压力范围 | 86Kpa~106Kpa | 存储温度 | -25℃~55℃ |
外形尺寸 | 190×130×75mm | 重 量 | 1.5kg |
安装方式 | 贴壁式、抱管式、穿管式 |
Acetylene Alarm
Summary on Acetylene Alarm
Acetylene, C2H2, commonly known as, wind coal, more little Molecular mass of Alkyne compounds, mainly used in industry, special in welding metal.
Acetylene at room temperature, is a colorless, more flammable gas. As for acetylene, the special alarm is launched, calibrated directly by acetylene instead of isobutene, getting the More accurate detection, More pertinent, and higher performance-price.
Acetylene alarm consists of gas detector an gas controller. The detector with imported high precision sensor as core part, monitoring in real time the concentration of acetylene, sending signals to the controller at the same time. The controller displays the concentration, sends audible & visual alarm once the concentration over the safe value.
Feature of Acetylene alarm
1. Accurate measurement: sensor with imported gas sensory unit, high precision, less zero shift, strong anti-poisoning.
2. Explosion-proof design: suitable for 1-area and 2-area dangerous site in firm.
3. Maintenance-free: sensor designed with digital module group, no need to zero setting and calibration.
4. Audible and visual alarm: gas detector if equipped with explosion-proof audible and visual alarm, sending audible & visual alarm on the spot.
5. Concentration display: gas detector if equipped with LCD, displaying the concentration on the spot.
Technical params of Acetylene alarm
Gas detection: Acetylene
Detection principle: Catalytic combustion type
Detection range: 0-100%LEL
Power Supply Voltage: DC36V±15%
capacity factor: <1W
Communication: Two M-BUS
Signal output: A group signal of passive constant opening
Connection wires: RVS 2×2.5mm2
Accuracy: ±5%FS
Response time: T90<30s (Catalytic combustion)
Materials: Cast aluminum
Explosion-proof connection screw thread: G3/4″ internal thread
Outline dimension: 190×130×75mm
Weight: 1.5Kg
IP degree: IP65
Working temperature: -40℃~70℃
Humidity range: 10%RH~95%RH
Pressure range: 86Kpa~106Kpa
Storage temperature: -25℃~55℃
Installment: Wall mounted, embracing tube type, passing tube type
本文关键字:乙炔气体泄漏浓度检测报警器,乙炔气体浓度探测控制器,Acetylene Alarm,Detector,Controller